Our mission is to prepare and establish your gifts
and callings so that you can advance the Kingdom of God!

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  • Courses
  • Application


  1. You confess and believe that Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior.
  2. You would like to understand and pursue a greater calling in serving our Lord.
  3. You want hands on training on how to be a minister to the Body of Christ (the Church).
  4. You would like to obtain a college degree in Biblical Studies or Ministerial Studies.
  5. God is calling you!

If you have received your calling, or know that you are called to a greater purpose, office or responsibility, then this school is for you! If you are unsure how to get started on your journey, then this is the school for you! We will guide you, prepare you and equip you so that you will be ready.


Ephesians 4:4 says, "There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called;"

At FFCSOM, you will be guided directly into biblical studies in an interactive learning environment. Every class is an open discussion platform, not a "lecture and test" type of education.

In fact, there are no tests! Not from us anyway.  Our focus is to prepare you and teach you how to endure, handle and "pass" the test of your ministerial life and journey!

Ephesians 4:11-12 says, "So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teacher, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up...:

We believe everyone is called to unity through one of these five offices of the body of Christ.  We will help you along your journey to discover and prepare for your office!

Ministerial students will be required to take an assigned set of courses based on your specific calling. We ask that each student fill out the online application form as your first step.  Upon review and acceptance into the FFC School of Ministry, you will receive an acceptance notice with further instructions, a suggested course itinerary and be scheduled for an in-person interview with the school founder and/or Dean (as deemed necessary).

This is a personal, hands-on disciple training school of ministry. Meaning, your course teachers, the Dean, and the Founder will be available and will interact with you, counsel with you, pray with you, and love and support you on your journey.

School Ministers in training will also have an opportunity to practice in a place of ministry in your office of calling in your third year. You don't just learn how, you are also sent out!

These are in-person classes located at our church campus in Robertsdale, Alabama. To see a map of our location, click here, or visit www.ffcministry.com.

FFCSOM Requirements:

In order to be accepted, each applicant must be:

  • Saved
  • Baptized
  • Attending church regularly*
  • Actively serving in a local church fellowship*
  • Giving regularly (tithes & offerings)
*(during your schooling, if you do not have a current home church or you are out-of-state, you can attend and serve at our church, Faith Fellowship)